


  • Finalist 2004 Bundeschampionnat 6 year-old Jumping + Dressage (M. Jung)
  • WINNER 2004 Bundeschampionnat Eventing (CCE) 6 year-old (M. Jung)
  • WINNER 2004 World Eventing Championships 6 year-old, Le Lion D’Angers (M.Jung)
  • Finalist 2007 Puissance Jumping 2m (M.Jung)
  • WINNER CIC2* Compiegne (x2), Strzegrom, Varsseveld (M. Jung)
  • 5th CIC3* Schenefeld (M. Jung)
  • 3rd CIC3* Marbach (M. Jung)

Offspring / Produits

  • Graf holds the world record to the highest number of offspring a single 5* event
  • Lordship’s Graffalo (Ros Canter) 1st Badminton 23, 1st Bughley 24, 4th WEF 2022, team gold Paris Olympics
  • Graffenacht 2nd Maryland 23
  • Ellfield Voyager Badminton 2023
  • Church’ile Badminton 2023
  • Graf Cavalier Badminton 2023
  • Absolut Gold (Nicolas Touzaint) 5th European championships 23
  • SANTANA’S BOY (Johanna Zantop), WINNER European Junior Eventing Championships 2015
  • Graf currently has 54 offspring at 3* or above.
  • 2016 Burghley Young Horse Event: 8 out of 80 finalists were by Grafenstolz
  • 2016 French Young Horse Championships: 10 Grafenstolz kids went to the eventing finals

 TTrakehner Stallion of the Year 2016 and best sire for young eventers 2016 in France! Grafenstolz was also World #1 eventing sire in 2020, he’s currently world #4.

Grafenstolz’ sire Polarion qualified several times for World Cup finals as well as for European Junior Championship Finals with Laura Bechtolsheimer. His damline is outstanding: his mother is the full sister of the approved stallion Gipsy King, and produced also Gipsy Rose, dam of Grand Passion (CDI3* performer, at stud in France). The approved stallions Guy Laroche and Grimani (by Gribaldi) are also from this motherline. After his victories in the Bundeschampionnat 6 yo (he made the final of all three disciplines in the same year) and the World Eventing Championships in 2004 with his rider Michael Jung, Grafenstolz became a proven eventing sire, with young horse champions in four countries every year.

His offspring inherit his bravery, elegant movement and his outstanding scope. He is also damsire of the reserve champion at the 2015 Trakehner approvals, Fellini who just integrated the stables of Helen Langehanenberg.

Graf is without a doubt king of the stud. He splits his days between an outing in the paddock and being lazy in his stable. Graf receives a lot of visitors and is always ready to perform at the stable door.

 Trakehnerhengst des Jahres 2016 und bester Vererber für junge Buschpferde 2016 in Frankreich! Grafenstolz stammt väterlicherseits vom Weltcupfinalisten Polarion ab, der sich mit Laura Bechtolsheimer auch für die Dressur-EM der Junioren qualifizierte. Seine Mutter ist die Vollschwester des Hengstes Gipsy King und seine Vollschwester Gipsy Rose brachte den internationalen Dressurhengst Grand Passion. Aus dem gleichen Stutenstamm (Fam. d. Gundula) kommen ebenfalls der Prämienhengst Guy Laroche und Grimani(v. Gribaldi). Seit seinem Doppelsieg im Jahre 2004 im Bundeschampionnat der 6-jährigen und beim Finale der Vielseitigkeits-WM, hat Grafenstolz sich als Zuchthengst durchsetzen können. Sein Nachwuchs erbt seinen sportlichen Ehrgeiz, die harmonischen Grundgangarten und vor allem das ausserordentliche Springvermögen. Er ist ebenfalls Muttervater des Trakehner-Reservesiegerhengstes 2015 Fellini, der jetzt unter Helen Langehanenberg geht.




Trakehner, 1998, 167 cm
Approved for: Trak, SF, AES, AA, Hann, BaWü

Breeding fee : €1000.00 + VAT and shipping, live foal guarantee included.
Chilled semen available overnight all over Europe, UK and Ireland.

Stationed at: The Stallion Company France, La Jouanie, 12800 Castelmary, France
Owner: The Stallion Company


Polarion Van Deyk Patricius
Polaried Insterruf
Gipsy Lady Camelot Arsenal
Grazi II Arogno
Galante V